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Flight from Conversation By: Sherry Turkle

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 As a product of today's advancements, I must say that I can relate while reading "Flight From Conversation", as it talks about how this generation is likely caught up with the technology surrounding us. Sherry Turkle mentions a lot of scenarios which are relatable to real-life situations and one of them is that telecommunication devices have prohibited individuals to have a face-to-face conversation with each other. Nonetheless, technology enables us to have a lot of alternative ways to communicate to other people  in different parts of the world but I am certain that through face-to-face conversation, it allows each and every intellectual to have a better connection with each other and enables them to convey their true expression and feelings. Also, people tend to seek for companionship that they can't get from others, which is why most of us are now dependent to what technology has to offer. This is one of the many reasons why technology has gained its essential va

What It Truly Means.

There are many ways to make a conversation At home, Create a special space to bond with one another Make the car as a "device-free zones"  Educate the essential value of conversation to the young ones But most especially, in between texts, e-mails and tweets — to lend an ear to one another even to the boring parts, because it's frequently in raw moments, moments when we tend to stutter, that we truly express ourselves to others.  Image from:

Attention and Companion Seekers.

Some people says that no one even bothers to listen to them.  No wonder why Facebook page and Twitter feed are so appealing nowadays It gave them automated listeners and why some are inclined talking to machines that seem to care about them.  Researchers are eventually creating robots designed to be a companion to people Many were astonished that some wants to date one, weird but true to some.  All these enthusiasm volumes up to how much we have confused connection to conversation We have seem to accept this kind of delusion that considers the feeling of compassion as relevant as today.  Will there still be hope that one day we will be there for one another? Image from:

Human Relat(echnology)ionships

Indeed, technology helped us a lot From cleaning up our dirty little secrets To having an immediate connection without sincere conversation Then eventually, we stopped caring.  Thoughts about connecting in sips? It may work for discrete information or for telling, "I love you" But not when it comes to understanding and knowing one another.  Image from:

The Art of Absence.

 He goes to meetings but only pays attention to what interests them. Seems like a good idea but we end up hiding from each other despite physically connected to one another.  He doesn't stop by to talk, doesn't call and doesn't want to be interrupted. He says "everyone is busy" but realizes that he was the one isolating himself to others.  He always depend on texting for almost everything but ironically wishing that one day he'd learn how to make a conversation.  He, who have grown up fearing to conversation, shows up to his job wearing earphones while walking around the campus.  After all that, it all says the same thing: Each of us is in our own bubble connected to keyboards and screens, even if we are together.  Image from:

Alone Together.

We desire to customize our own life into something that we imagine.  We desire to be with another, or elsewhere, connected to wherever we want to.  We desire to move in and out of where we are because the thing we value most is control over where we focus  our attention. It's all made possible by technology. Image from: